Announcement of the Grant Competition

Application deadline։ August 19, 2023
Program duration: Up to 12 months
Send project proposals to [email protected]
Within the framework of the “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), “Goris Press Club” NGO is launching the first phase of the grant program to implement initiatives aimed at the development of the Goris consolidated community.
CSOs and initiative groups of the extended Goris community can apply for the grant program (groups of citizens united around different initiatives, a common goal/at least three people).
The purpose of the grant program
To strengthen the extended community of Goris, in particular to develop effective cooperative precedents between the main actors of the community, to involve the political society, active groups and other actors in the processes of community development.
The project plans to competitively finance projects aimed at addressing issues of community importance, in particular, by improving the community’s human resources capacity, by promoting cooperation between different actors of the community (e.g. private, public, educational, cultural, youth, local government, state, community and professional between organizations), as well as through the development of the capacities of community structures and organizations in favor of the balanced and sustainable development of the enlarged community of Goris.
The involvement of settlements of the extended community of Goris in the proposed projects, cooperation with the institutions of community subordination is also encouraged.
Projects can address the following areas:
- Organization and management of public spaces and environment,
- Issues of education, culture, sports,
- Economic development. tourism, business,
- Promotion of innovative solutions for employment, agriculture,
- Social, public health issues,
- Problems of public participation, volunteerism, communications, organization of community services, inter-community relations,
- Alternatively, you can also propose projects on other topics of community importance.
When planning project ideas, it is encouraged to familiarize yourself with the brief description of the project, the report of the “Public discussion of the vision of the enlarged community of Goris,” and the five-year strategic plan of the community of Goris.
Terms of the Grant Program
Please consider the following conditions:
The deadline for submitting a brief project proposal is August 19, 2023.
Amount per grant program
- For NGOs and registered organizations — up to AMD 7,000,000
- For initiative groups — up to AMD 4,000,000
Within the framework of this grant, applicants cannot provide for construction, repair, infrastructure maintenance, or improvement.
Program duration: up to 12 months.
Who Can Apply
Only nonprofit social organizations in the Goris enlarged community can apply for the program, funds, non-commercial, and commercial organizations in media, education, research, analysis, and advisory centers) and spherical or community-based groups.
Only non-profit public organizations, foundations, non-profit as well as commercial organizations operating in the Goris consolidated community (news, educational, research, analytical and consulting centers) and sectoral or community initiative groups can apply for the program.
Grant Selection Process and Timeline
The grant process will be carried out in the following stages: (1) project application submission, (2) project evaluation, (3) co-creation process: specification of project activities and budget frameworks for selected projects, (4) financing, and (5) implementation.
1. | Information Meeting | July 27, registered until July 23 |
2․ | “How to Develop a Grant Application” training for initiative groups | July 28, registered until July 25 |
3. | Application submission deadline | 2023 C.E. August 19 |
4. | Selection of Programs | Until August 28 |
5․ | Co-creation process – approval of final project activities and scope | Until September 8 |
6 | Presentation of the final project version and budget | September 19 |
7. | Signing contracts, participating in grant management training | Until September 29 |
8. | Start of programs | October 2, 2023 |
Applicants included in the grant programs are expected to be ready to collaborate with all partners, participate in additional activities and capacity building courses, share success stories and experiences, analyze project progress or problems, learn lessons, and introduce innovation in their processes.
Organizations that do not pass the second phase of the program will have the opportunity to participate in capacity building activities to develop their capacity and program ideas, to find other support in the future or to apply for the next opportunities of the program.
Evaluation Criteria
The select committee will choose software proposals based on the following criteria:
- Compliance of the project idea with the objectives of the program
- Budget compliance with the activities proposed by the applicant
- Experience and capacity of the applicant to implement the proposed project
- Logical connection between the goal, objectives, activities and results of the proposed project.
Application Procedure
The project application according to the form of Appendix 1 should be sent to [email protected] stating in the subject line: GorisLW: Application_main applicant’s name or abbreviation (Latin or English) until August 19,2023.
To participate in the information meeting, register by July 23, 2023.
To participate in the “How to develop a grant application” training, register by July 25, 2023.
You can download the grant application form from this link: Appendix 1.
The brief project proposal must be written in Armenian, using MS Word, Sylfaen font, font size 11, line spacing: 1.
For questions and clarifications, you can contact the Project Manager Anahit Baghdasaryan: e-mail [email protected], tel. by phone number 098 99 07 31 by August 4, 2023.
About the Program
“Goris Press Club” (GPC) with Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) is implementing a program titled “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” program which commenced in March 2023 and will be implemented until February 2026. The project is supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The goal of Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community program (hereinafter the Program) is to increase the capacity and resilience of the Goris consolidated community via strengthening the capacity and commitment of the community to lead its development and enhance citizen engagement and oversight in the decision-making process.
This Project is implemented by the “Goris Press Club” NGO (GPC) and Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), and is made possible by the generous support of the AmericanPeople through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of “Goris Press Club” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.