“Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” Project

“Goris Press Club” (GPC) with Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) is implementing a project titled “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” program which commenced in March 2023 and will be implemented until February 2026.
The project is supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The goal of “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” project (hereinafter the Project) is to increase the capacity and resilience of the Goris consolidated community via strengthening the capacity and commitment of the community to lead its development and enhance citizen engagement and oversight in the decision-making process.
Activities envisioned by the Project address three interconnected components: strengthening the regulatory basis of the community, improving the institutional capacities of the community organizations, and developing effective cooperative practice via implementation of projects through exercising the regulations. All three components are targeting citizen engagement in the decision making and implementation with a special focus on youth engagement and gender equality.
The Project offers a set of activities focusing on developing the human and social capital of the Goris community and creating optimal conditions for cooperation between various actors within the community and beyond. The Project focuses on several major interconnected directions: mapping and evaluating the community assets and resources; building the capacities of local actors including LG, civil society actors, educational institutions, and the private sector, particularly SMEs working in tourism, trade, agriculture, as well as IT companies that are gradually setting up their regional offices in the community; facilitating a participatory planning process with a focus on the development of a joint vision on the community development; providing local actors with an opportunity to exercise their capacities in implementing community development projects; establishing local partnership platforms and advocating for effective decentralization reforms.
The Project promotes inclusive multi-stakeholder engagement that will strengthen accountability, support participatory decision-making, and facilitate learning and exchange, which will eventually develop functional linkages between grass-roots and government at the local level. Organization of annual Forums and thematic discussions will increase local ownership level in the community and thus enhance public participation and oversight level in the decision-making processes.
For further information and updates about the program, please follow the links below:
Website: www.mediapoint.am
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gorispressclub,
Contact via
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +37498990797.
“This Project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of “Goris Press Club” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”