Sub-grants provided within the framework of “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” project
According to the results of the second round of the grant competition announced within the framework of the “Locally-led Action for the Development of the Goris Community” project, nine non-governmental organizations from the Goris community and six initiative teams will implement various projects to support the development of the Goris community.
Below are the descriptions of the grant programs:
Organization: “Goris Winnet” Foundation
Project name: “New Approaches About Crafts”
The Goal of the Project: To promote the development of cultural institutions in Goris community by improving professional skills and strengthening the technical base.
Organization: “Bari Ert” NGO
Project name: “Ensuring Safe Traffic in Goris”
The Goal of the Project: To raise the awareness of the residients of Goris consolidated community on road traffic safety and regulations.
Organization: “GO Krtojakh” Educational Foundation
Project name: “English as a Means of Communication”
The Goal of the Project: To improve the quality of English language teaching in Goris community and increase young people’s skills in English to make them more competitive in the labor market.
Organization: “Goris New Generation” Charity NGO
Project name: “Equal Opportunities for Each Child”
The Goal of the Project: Contribute to the health recovery, inclusion, socialization and entertainment of children with disabilities/ special needs in the consolidated community of Goris through the creation of a center for people with disabilities/special needs and capacity strengthening of specialists.
Organization: “Syunik Innovation Center” NGO
Project name: “A Bank of Technological Human Capital in Goris”
The Goal of the Project: To support the development of computer and digital skills of the youth of Goris community in order to become more competitive in the labor market, as well as to meet the demand for technological human capital.
Organization: “Syunik Federation of Sports Enthusiasts”
Project name: “Table Tennis, a Healthy Lifestyle factor in Goris Community”
The Goal of the Project: To promote the development of a healthy lifestyle in the Goris community through the popularization and development of sports, particularly table tennis.
Organization: “Tourism Management Office Of Syunik Region” NGO
Project name: “The Best Reception in Goris”
The Goal of the Project: To enhance the capacity of the hospitality sector in Goris.
Organization: ”Tteni-Cooperation Children Youth” NGO
Project name: ”Human Rights School for the Children of Goris Consolidated Community”
The Goal of the Project: Raise awareness on human rights among the youth of Goris consolidated community through non-formal education.
Organization: “New Horizons” NGO
Project name: “Professional Orientation and Development”
The Goal of the Project: To support the development of business skills of young people in the Goris community.
Organization: ”Anna Abgaryan” IG
Project name: “Information Community. Development of Digital Literacy of Schoolchildren “
The Goal of the Project: To improve the capacity of school children in digital literacy.
Organization: ”Alina Vardanyan” IG
Project name: “Digital tour around the historical and cultural monuments of Goris”
The Goal of the Project: To promote the historical and cultural sites within the Goris consolidated community through awareness campaigns including disseminating informational materials and developing social media campaigns .
Organization: ‘’Hermine Alaverdyan’’ IG (Initiative Group)
Project name: Parenting Skills for Parents of Children with SEN (Special Education Needs)
The Goal of the Project: To improve socialization and integration process of parents (caregivers) of children with special educational needs in social environment.
Organization: ”Lilit Beglaryan” IG
Project name: “The community with the photographers’ eyes”
The goal of the project: To strengthen the strorytelling skills among young people of Goris to present community needs and priorities through alternative education.
Organization: ”Martun Dadalyan” IG
Project name: “Goris Symphony”
The Goal of the Project: To contribute to the activation of cultural life in Goris community through providing technical assistance to music schools and organizing community cultural events.
Organization: ”Shushanik Hovhannisyan” IG
Project name: “Informed Citizen”
The Goal of the Project: To develop the civic participation skills of the youth from Khndzoresk settlement of Goris community.

“Locally-led Action for the Development of the Goris Community” Project is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of “Goris Press Club” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”