“Young People as Partners, Not Beneficiaries”

“The knowledge gained during this event gave us the opportunity to turn our ideas into projects and to provide innovative solutions to the needs identified in the Goris community,” says Monika Zilfugharyan, a participant in the “Participatory Democracy, Civil Society, and Community Activism” workshop. Organized by the “Goris Press Club” NGO, the three-day workshop took place in Aghveran and brought together more than 25 young people from the consolidated community of Goris.

During the workshop, participants like Monika received foundational knowledge about democracy, good governance, and the mechanisms and principles of citizen participation in local self-government. Experienced trainers guided the attendees through strategies for identifying and solving civic problems, underscoring the importance of civic activism and presenting examples of successful campaigns.

Practical sessions allowed the young participants to prioritize the identified community issues based on urgency and impact, discuss concrete examples, and explore mechanisms for studying and modeling solutions.

Lusine Hakobyan, a representative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), also attended the workshop. She commended the young participants for their involvement in community development and praised the efforts to enhance their capabilities.

“We consider young people not beneficiaries but partners. The format and content of this initiative, along with several others under the “Locally-led Action for Development of Goris Community” Project, are developed in collaboration with them. We listen to their needs and wishes and jointly work out the entire process of implementation,” said project manager Anahit Baghdasaryan.

This collaborative approach ensures that young people play an active role in shaping their community, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment in addressing local issues.

The workshop made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of “Goris Press Club” NGO and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”